Panoramic Measuring

Full Video Walkthrough

Panoramic Photo Pane Measurements Guide

Distance, height and slope measurements can all be taken directly in the photo pane on real-world features.

Pano Measuring Menu

When taking a measurement, click on the desired option and Illuminate Mode will be temporarily enabled for the current panoramic photo. The intensity imagery you see while measuring is a 2D represantation of the underlying 3D point data that is shown in the pointcloud pane.

Intensity for measuring

Once this screen is showing, follow the instructions below specific to each type of measurement:


  • Click anywhere in the panoramic photo to place a point and see the real-world coordinates of the point. Right-click anywhere to exit measuring view.

Point Measuring in Pano Pane


  • Click to begin the measurement, and left-click to add points to create line segments. Once the line segments cover the desired area to measure, right-click to exit the measuring view.
  • The length shown will span from the first clicked point to the last clicked point, passing through every other clicked point.

Distance Measuring in Pano Pane


  • Click a point to begin the measurement, and click the final point to measure. The difference in height between the two points will appear.
  • Right-click anywhere to exit measuring view.

Height Measuring in Pano Pane


  • Click a point to begin the measurement, and click the final point to measure. Both the slope and distance between the two points will appear.
  • Right-click anywhere to exit measuring view.

Slope Measuring in Pano Pane


  • To erase any existing measurements, click this tool and click on the measurement.

  • Right-click to exit the erase tool.


  • To edit any existing measurements click on this tool and click and drag any existing points of a measurement.

  • Point measurements can be moved along with points that make up distance, height and slope measurements.

  • To exit the Edit tool, right-click anywhere on the panoramic photo pane.


  • Use this tool to manage existing measurements in the panoramic photo viewer. Here is an example of the Measurements menu with three measurements in place:

Exmaple Measurements Menu

  • The Clear All button will clear all existing measurements. Once clicked, a confirmation window will appear to confirm the deletion.

Clear All Measurements Confirmation Window

  • The visibility of measurements can be toggled on and off two ways:

    • The Hide All checkbox will hide all existing measurements in the panoramic photo viewer.
    • The icon next to each measurement controls the visibility individually. The icon means the measurement is visible and means the measurement is not visible.
  • In the menu for each individual measurement there is a focus checkbox that when clicked will move the panoramic photo viewer to focus on that measurement.