Terms of Use

MJ4D is proprietary software developed by MJ Engineering, Architecture, Landscape Architecture, and Land Surveying, P.C. (MJ). All MJ4D source code and data is the property of MJ. Any redistribution, alteration, disassembly, or reverse engineering of MJ4D is strictly forbidden.

Access to project sites within MJ4D is granted solely to the authorized individual user and is intended for their personal use only. Users are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of their login information. Sharing of login credentials or unauthorized access to project sites by any third party is strictly prohibited.

MJ4D is intended to be used for general informational purposes only. No warranty of any kind is provided for information contained in or derived from MJ4D. Any measurements or elevations derived from MJ4D should only be considered approximate and verified externally. Refer to specific contract documents and drawings for all design critical information.

Your email address may be used solely by MJ to provide information on MJ4D software updates and to communicate on specific project data. MJ does not sell or provide user email addresses and/or personal data to 3rd parties. Communication will always be directed to you through our MJ4D email address mj4d@mjteam.com.